g r o t t o 1 1

Peeve Farm
Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets
Brian Tiemann
Silicon Valley-based purveyor of a confusing mixture of Apple punditry and political bile.

btman at grotto11 dot com

Read These Too:

USS Clueless
James Lileks
Little Green Footballs
As the Apple Turns
Cold Fury
Capitalist Lion
Red Letter Day
Eric S. Raymond
Tal G in Jerusalem
Secular Islam
Aziz Poonawalla
Corsair the Rational Pirate
Ravishing Light

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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
16:19 - There's a mighty judgment coming, but I may be wrong

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Mike at Cold Fury calls it as he sees it; and it ain't pretty.

The Dems laid down with the dogs years ago. All that’s left for them now, and for us, is to watch them scratch at the fleas and puzzle over how they got them. Bush will win in November, barring some incredible and unforeseeable catastrophe. When he does, watch for the now-desperate hard Left to get violent. It’s another battle they won’t and cannot win, but it’s the one that in the end they’ll have no choice but to fight. They’ve done it to themselves, and therefore my sympathy is limited at best.

The Left has been spoiling for a real fight for years now, and they’re most likely going to get it. It’s the awful truth, and I don’t see anything standing in the way of it but the Left’s own innate sneaky cowardice. When push comes to shove, perhaps the Left will be willing to put down their Bushitler signs and go home peacefully. But they’re not the majority, they never will be, and the only way they can win is through deceit, disinformation, intimidation, and, ultimately, violence. Scott’s fighting the good fight here, and we all ought to be out doing more of this sort of thing—speaking out before it’s too late to change the minds of the uninformed, and the dupes are standing shoulder to shoulder on the front lines with their manipulators. God help us if it should come to that at last.

Don't miss what he's responding to, either. On the surface it might look like things are getting a little better, like energy is starting to fizzle out on the sign-wavers' side; but that's just when things get most dangerous. It's when a group feels it's starting to lose its turf that it really begins to claw wildly. Just as with the Mac community in the mid-90s—when Apple was at its lowest ebb of inspiration, the only people left in the Mac camp were the real hard-core survivalists, the scorpions crouching in their holes, the "cold dead hands" types. They're the ones you've really got to watch out for.

A Left that feels it's lost the sympathy it once had when it congregated on the streets, bolstered by a sudden influx of energy from people enervated by Fahrenheit 9/11, is not going to be a pretty thing if Bush should win in November. The timing is too perfect. It's a harmonic convergence, a constructive beat.

I've been feeling lately as though I'm not going to be able to even stand up on Election Day until all the votes are counted, because I won't trust my legs to support me. But I don't even know which of the various outcomes I fear most. A Kerry win, which would let these people pour into the streets transported by joy and vindication, forever inscribing the lesson into history that America is no more steadfast in the face of terrorism and domestic nihilism than Spain or France... or a Bush win, which would send them into transports of rage. If the latter should happen, the evening of November 2nd, this country will be closer to a violent uprising than it has been since the 60s.

I can honestly say that despite people's pious claims that the terror-alert system is designed to keep people like me in a state of fear of another 9/11-like attack, I don't fear another attack at all. I was just up in North Beach in San Francisco, waiting outside the Stinking Rose for Mike Silverman to show up for dinner; I was gazing down Columbus Avenue to the Transamerica Building, the sunset glinting off its windows, framed by the broad lanes and the financial-district towers, and imagining just what I'd do if (unlikely as it is these days) I saw a plane plow into the side of it. I was left feeling strangely unmoved by the apparition. Thinking about seeing San Francisco turned into Lower Manhattan just makes me grit my teeth and narrow my eyes and want to start donating money and filling out forms... but thinking about frantically reloading CNN.com on Election night makes my heart race and my arms quiver even as I type this. I don't fear another 9/11-like terrorist attack. But I do fear what those who rally behind Michael Moore might do to this country if they're kindled.

What's worse: I don't think they're actually afraid of anything. An attack? They get to say "I told you so". Government crackdowns against them? They win the moral high ground. A Kerry win? They get what they want. A Bush win? They get to fight the war they've been itching for. Do they fear what damage it will do to the country in the process? That's all I'm afraid of, and somehow I don't think they would share that vulnerability.

If we make it to the 3rd intact, I'm starting to think I'll have to start believing in Divine Providence after all.

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© Brian Tiemann