g r o t t o 1 1

Peeve Farm
Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets
Brian Tiemann
Silicon Valley-based purveyor of a confusing mixture of Apple punditry and political bile.

btman at grotto11 dot com

Read These Too:

USS Clueless
James Lileks
Little Green Footballs
As the Apple Turns
Cold Fury
Capitalist Lion
Red Letter Day
Eric S. Raymond
Tal G in Jerusalem
Secular Islam
Aziz Poonawalla
Corsair the Rational Pirate
Ravishing Light

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Saturday, July 3, 2004
20:00 - Plain hobbit-sense

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The more time goes by, the more faith I have in Middle America/the Midwest/the average Joe/flyover country. Lord knows I once dismissed it as the land of superstitious, hateful Bible-thumpers who thought France was somewhere in the vicinity of Topeka. But you know... city living might not be quite the intellectual fast-track that I once assumed it to be.

Via CapLion:

DECORAH, Iowa - The president of a company that owns movie theaters in Iowa and Nebraska is refusing to show director Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11."

R.L. Fridley, owner of Des Moines-based Fridley Theatres, says the controversial documentary incites terrorism.

Fridley said in an e-mail message to company managers that the company does not "play political propaganda films from either the right or the left."

"Our country is in a war against an enemy who would destroy our way of life, our culture and kill our people," Fridley wrote. "These barbarians have shown through (the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001) and the recent beheadings that they will stop at nothing. I believe this film emboldens them and divides our country even more."

Yes. Yes it does.

What gets me about Fahrenheit 9/11 isn't the blatant lies, exaggerations, misrepresentations, and flippant and irresponsible conjecture—sure, they're bad, but even Michael Moore's fans know they're there.

What gets me, instead, is the whole premise of the movie—the implicit purpose behind it. What's Moore trying to do here? Not to entertain; not to titillate; but to defeat Bush. This is a higher calling for him than addressing the concern of Islamic terrorism. Bush is a bigger threat to America than bin Laden.

After all, said friend from last night led off his "argument" with the statement that "We could absorb an attack like the World Trade Center every month without really being crippled as a country". Which, I guess, meant that we should. Forget terrorism—don't try to prepare for it or keep a watchful eye out or even talk about it. Do not speak of the snares.

Which is Moore's position too: there's nothing in this world of greater importance than making Bush look bad.

You could have made a movie just like Fahrenheit 9/11 about Churchill, or about Roosevelt. Absolutely you could. Even people who didn't like FDR got behind him for the greater good, out of respect for the office of the Presidency and out of understanding of the country's needs. Neither of these leaders were saints; both had unpopular policies, both were the subjects of plenty of pieces of potentially embarrassing film clips that could, especially if taken out of context, or their audio played on top of particularly horrifying imagery, be used to drive said characters from office even in the middle of a war. You could have released a bombshell documentary in 1944 about FDR's allegedly knowing about the Pearl Harbor attacks before they happened, for instance. But nobody did. It would have been unthinkable.

So why do it now? Just because Moore can? Just because any dickhead with a Canon ZR20 and a copy of iMovie can now make a feature film?

This country needs unity more now than ever but a few exceptional times in its history. Moore must know this, deep down in his heart. He must realize how much our enemies crave seeing us divided and fighting among ourselves. He must be able to conclude something from the fact that Hezbollah wants to distribute the film, and that China will be gleefully importing it as the first Western documentary they've ever allowed in. He must realize that Saddam's obstinacy throughout the 1990s was because once the dust settled after Desert Storm, he was still in power and Bush wasn't—which, as far as he was concerned, made him the winner. Moore isn't a stupid man—he has to understand what our wavering and our turning on our President looks like to the Islamists whom we're fighting. (Hint: It looks like they're winning.) But nonetheless, it's more important to him to throw gasoline on the fire, to drive a wedge quite purposefully through the nation's public consciousness. No, uniformity of opinion is no good thing—but intentionally dividing the country, and undermining the American people's ability to intelligently prioritize the issues we see before us (for example, being destroyed by terrorism before gay marriage or President who once had more than a passing interest in the oil industry), is contemptible in the extreme. It's petty and small-minded in a way that little else in history has ever been petty and small-minded. People could have done what Moore's doing, at any time in history; but until now, they had the decorum and decency not to. They had common sense.

The kind that Mr. Fridley of Decorah, Iowa still seems to exhibit.

Must be something in the water.

UPDATE: CapLion updates his post with a counterexample to Midwesterners being any more sensible than anyone else. His point is well taken, though—check it out.

What makes people refuse to see the scale of the conflict of our times, and to concentrate all their fury on one man who deserves so little ire by comparison? It's just tunnel vision, I guess... it's easier for people to lash out against the problem that's closest to home for them, that requires the smallest expansion of their attention span. It's way easier to believe that "the economy is in the toilet" or "Bush runs the USA based on his own personal religious beliefs" than to have to face up to the possibility that maybe Bush is in fact doing some things right, things for which he deserves to remain in office.

UPDATE: Via LGF, Michael Niewodowski (a chef at the Windows on the World restaurant in the WTC) has similar sentiments:

Moore’s film is the first major motion picture about Sept. 11, 2001. This bears repeating. When future generations look back on the Sept. 11 massacre, their first impression, through the medium of film, will be a work in which the president and the government are blamed for the attacks, and the soldiers who are protecting this country are defamed. Instead of a film version of Lisa Beamer’s book, “Let’s Roll,” or Richard Picciotto’s “Last Man Down,” we are presented with this fallacy. How could this happen?

It would be a colossal insult to insinuate that Franklin D. Roosevelt or the U.S. government were in any way responsible for the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Can you imagine the indignation of the men and women who lived during that period?

“Fahrenheit 9/11” is indicative of a nation that has become too apathetic, ignorant or deceived to face the enemy at the gate. America, where is your fury?

I'm drowning in it.

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© Brian Tiemann