g r o t t o 1 1

Peeve Farm
Breeding peeves for show, not just to keep as pets
Brian Tiemann
Silicon Valley-based purveyor of a confusing mixture of Apple punditry and political bile.

btman at grotto11 dot com

Read These Too:

Steven Den Beste
James Lileks
Little Green Footballs
As the Apple Turns
Cold Fury
Capitalist Lion
Red Letter Day
Eric S. Raymond
Tal G in Jerusalem
Aziz Poonawalla
Corsair the Rational Pirate
Ravishing Light
Cartago Delenda Est

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money. I think.
BSD Mall

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 1/14/2002 -  1/20/2002
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12/31/2001 -   1/6/2002
12/24/2001 - 12/30/2001
12/17/2001 - 12/23/2001
Monday, October 15, 2007
15:36 - Helloween

I used to dress up for Halloween. Most every year I found I was able to come up with something worth showing off at work—whether it be Chris and me as the Pusher and Shover Robots (from one of the granddaddies of Flash memes) or my much-prized Brak costume (complete with articulated spring-loaded jaw).

But that was all because I always felt I could outdo everyone else's costume that bothered to try, especially since no off-the-shelf costume could compare to something cobbled together from felt, cardboard boxes, papier-mâché, and chicken wire. These days, though, it seems the bar's been lifted beyond my reach.

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© Brian Tiemann